Vallen AE Suite Software
AE Feature & Frequency Analysis - Monitoring Software
Vallen Systeme provides the Vallen AE Suite Software for data acquisition and data analysis tasks. VisualAE, VisualTR and VisualClass are the data analysis tools of the Vallen AE Suite Software. Furthermore, Vallen AE Suite Software contains software for hardware verification tasks and frequency domain analysis.
Vallen AE Suite Software
VisualAE is a modular framework for complete data analysis and presentation in real time or in a post process. It processes and displays data of an AE measurement. VisualAE can be configured to fit various applications, e.g. above-ground tank floor test, integrity tests of pressure vessels, etc. VisualTR is a tool for investigating waveform data and VisualClass is a tool for statistical analysis of waveforms based on pattern recognition.
Vallen Monitoring Software
Vallen Automation Manager Software and Vallen Dashboard are two new software packages simplifying and visualizing permanent monitoring applications. Both software packages are designed to support the monitoring application operator with automatization of recurring tasks and observe the application 24 hours seven days a week.
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AE Feature Analysis
In order to match the requirements of different AE tests, Vallen AE -Suite Software offers full flexibility and transparency at any time. VisualAE provides a framework for all data analysis tasks in real time (online) or in a post process (offline). VisualAE can be configured on a modular basis to fit a certain analysis task. The individual configuration is based on the selection of individual software modules (e.g. location modules, processor modules, etc.) which can be implemented at any time.
VisualAE provides tools for processing or manipulating data, displaying data, and integrated auxiliary functionality. So-called “Processors” allow for the manipulation of data, while “Visuals” display data in diagrams or listings. Any number of processors or visuals can be defined and used to enable even the most complex analysis.
VisualAE strictly separates data acquisition from data presentation. The information of the processing structure (i.e. the number of visuals, processors and their arrangement) is stored in a separate setup file. This enables the use of the same setup on different raw data files.
Analysis transparency:
- The sequence of processing steps, such as filtering, location, clustering, etc., is shown in form of a structure tree.
- Structural freedom: the structure tree can be easily built up and rearranged by drag & drop.
- User written software integration: the Embedded Code Processor integrates user code, e.g. to obtain specific results during routine testing by, e.g. an application specific severity indicator, or specific alarm criteria, etc..
- Flexible result presentation: any combination of results can be displayed in graphs or listings.
- High quality reports: graphs and listings can be exported with any resolution and font size.
- Data file compatibility: the latest AMSY-6 software can process all AE files recorded with any Vallen AE System since 1991.
- Nine dialog languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Romanian, Russian and Spanish included.

Embedding User Analysis
Analysis tools have to be highly flexible and capable of implementing user defined analysis routines for modern and upcoming AE test routines in an ever increasing range of applications. Built-in functionality and processors of VisualAE may constitute a framework too tight for future applications.
Therefore, Vallen Systeme provides a tool within the framework of VisualAE, the Embedded Code Processor, which allows programming your own analysis and can be used within VisualAE.
Vallen Systeme also experiences the demand of protecting intellectual property of analyzing AE test data. This is important for service providers operating in a highly competitive market. Embedded Code Processor routines can be protected from being executed unauthorized and from being viewed, allowing a licensing model for the inventor of routines.
This framework offers the highest flexibility of data analysis, while it is also capable of protecting the intellectual property.

Frequency Domain Analysis
Waveform-based analysis, such as FFT, wavelet transform, enhanced feature extraction and pattern recognition provides additional information about, e.g. source mechanisms, damage evaluation or wave propagation.
For frequency domain analysis, Vallen Systeme provides its software module VisualTR (VTR) which contains the Feature Extractor.
The Feature Extractor is an interface for different plugins that extract features from frequency domain and make them available for analysis in VisualAE. The Feature Extractor can run in online and offline mode.
For statistical analysis of frequency domain features, Vallen Systeme provides VisualClass pattern recognition software. VisualClass enables an operator to generate a classifier for frequency domain features in a fast and comprehensible way. A classifier designed with VisualClass can be used to classify waveforms in real time as a plugin of the Feature Extractor.

Verification describes the process of verifying that equipment is working according to specification. Any sold equipment has gone through an extensive outgoing inspection. For Vallen Systeme, it is important that customers can perform their own system verification at the same standard as Vallen Systeme does.
It is also demanded by EN13477-2 that an operator of AE measurement equipment should be capable of verifying that measurement equipment is working according to specifications. Therefore, Vallen Systeme provides two software packages, SysVeri and VST, for system verification and sensor testing, respectively.

AGU-Vallen Wavelet is a tool which allows you to calculate and display the wavelet and Choi-Williams distribution of individual waveforms. A time-frequency transform distributes the energy of a wave in time and frequency. Hence, it is possible to identify at what time which frequency content occurs. This kind of analysis is not possible by use of standard Fourier transform.
AGU-Vallen Wavelet has been developed in collaboration between Vallen Systeme GmbH, Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), Tokyo, Japan and University of Denver, US. The AGU group has pioneered in the research of time-frequency analysis in the field of Acoustic Emission, and Vallen has actively generated software tools.
Choi-Williams distribution was added to AGU-Vallen Wavelet program in 2009. A wavelet transform (WT) of an AE signal provides information which wave modes carry significant energy and where the energy is found as a function of frequency and time in a mode.
The time-frequency transformation called Choi-Williams transform as proposed by Hyung-Ill Choi and William J. Williams and was first published in IEEE Transactions on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing Vol. 37, No. 6, June 1989. The advantage of the Choi-Williams transformation is the improved resolution of frequency vs. time. A minor drawback is the less sensitive energy resolution.
AGU-Vallen Wavelet is freeware. Download is free of cost in our downloads section. Directly access the file from here: